Prince Albert GenWeb Project has a commitment to providing FREE internet access to resource and reference material information online on other websites, or by digitizing resources which are copyright free (either in the public domain or offered with permission from the copyright holder). The dedicated volunteers and submitters of information offer helpful advice to new researchers by email or in FAQ formatting. As a volunteer non-commercial organization there is not any research provided nor is their a recommendation to commercial sites or researchers. Some of the volunteers do offer to provide lookups, at their convenience. The goal of the Prince Albert gen web is to provide online for free quality informational pages, pertinent postal addresses or website URLs, maps, query and surname resources, and friendly email lists. Prince Albert Gen Web does not wish to re-invent the wheel. There are wonderful historical and genealogical groups with genealogy resources available. Prince Albert Gen Web works in collaboration with the several other resource sites, so that together, there is a connection in a Prince Albert Resource network to serve the genealogist with an interest in the Prince Albert Gen Web Region.